My Thoughts on Sleeping Beauty~
I believe that some people judge this princess and her prince a tad too harshly. Having Disney's Sleeping Beauty among one of my favorite and most viewed film, I have quite a few bones to pick with this.
One may argue that these types of films just teach kids that your life would be so much better if a man just came in to save you. Eh, no. Not really. Here are a few pointers I caught on in Sleeping Beauty.
The only real problem I have with this film are... the Three Good Fairies.
Yes. Only because that Briar Rose never asked for anything like being tracked by some psycho dark force who got pissed over the fact that she wasn't invited to a christening. It all seems to go well taking the spellbound babe where she could be safe for the meanwhile but not once did these fairies ever consider that it would have been a good thing to at least tell the Princess through those 16 years of the truth and why? They did not prepare the poor girl for that day when she met Prince Phillip in the woods? Aurora is obviously able to take care of things herself, when her 'Aunt's' are so inept in most things (by the way they tried to clean and make a dress without magic). She clearly loved enough to tell the truth that she had met somebody and then they break the ice... telling her that she was a Princess. Still, with no mention of Maleficent either.
I would be dearly upset as well if I was never told that I was royalty by my own adoptive family. I would feel like I had been living a lie, which is true for Aurora. Betrothed to a Prince who I never even met (in her case, she got lucky, haha!). I would be livid too as Aurora was through out the journey back to the castle. She was devastated. She was lied to all of her life. She didn't feel ready, or confident about being Royalty. Just then in her weakest point, she is then attacked by the Dark Fairy and then cursed.
All of this would have been avoided and planned out, but it wasn't. Those Fairies are total dunderheads.
"We are all to blame...."
"Yes, yes you are."
The best that you did was alter the curse a little. A sleep is a far cry from death, lol. So I can't be too mean.
To me, Aurora and Phillip are still to this day my favorites. Aurora took things like a champ, and Phillip did all that he could to save her from Maleficent. I am just glad those Fairies made it all up by assisting in the fight.