2016 Wake Up Call
My very first post! Haha!
Hello world! And to all who inhabit it. This is Imagi here, as glad as could be to be here! I intend to make this blog more of an idea and inspiration holder, other than deviant art.
Many of you know that I write like a manic hamster. I feel no regret for this because it has always been my comfort and my strength. Once I get the ideas flowing, I am the most happiest person in the world. Sure enough, I am a novice, but for any artistic mind out there, if you love it... keep doing whatever you're doing!
This blog is not only for ideas. I'll tell ya'll why.
In the start of the year of 2016, I had just recovered from scary changes in my own body. I have MAS. An acronym for McCune Albright Syndrome, which happens to be one of the most rarest genetic disorders in the world. It affects me not just emotionally, but in a physical sense and my bones can either be fine for a time, or increasingly brittle. I've had this annoying friend of mine since birth. And just about now, my family and I are finally getting accustomed to it. 2016 was a massive transition for me when my left femur ultimately broke, completely in half... due to the mistake made 12 years prior.
I had a titanium brace holding this leg together, with screws in my femur, which was not a good idea. Over that time, these screws ground the bone so much that it got so weak that it finally gave up and broke.
I hold Christian beliefs, you know and even though I was struck shocked, sitting on my bedroom floor, I was then surrounded by so much support and love, despite the pain and grief that I had to go under corrective surgery. The surgery was an overall success! And I got a new implanted titanium rod supporting the inside of my femur. It's reliable, my leg feels normal and back in action again... During recovery for three months, I wrote every single day. My laptop was a godsend to me... It did poems, prose and found new ideas to explore. I had a loving family and I had talent. So why the heck was I depressed for so long? For nothing...
That is reason for this little blog and I must thank one of my dear online friends, Meaghan!
It took me long enough to realize that I am an artist. Novice, but I've achieved the dream path I always wanted. I am an art student... I actually thought that I'd never get this far. I got this idea for an original book and this little site will also be a spot for my personal journaling. I write on so many things and sometimes I write on just mere thoughts and scenarios that hit me. 2016 may have started out with a loud bang (no pun intended) but it led to such wonderful opportunities. I've prayed for such a peaceful time for years and here it is...
This blog will help my friends to get to know me more and I hope I give off inspiration with what I'm going to do here. A dA is for my artworks, this place will be my safe little corner.
With love
~ K.C